Edgerton, MN

"Small town charm"

Color runners get messy to raise money for local charities. (Credit: Mike Drooger)

Do you watch reruns of “The Andy Griffith Show”? Have you ever wished you could live in Mayberry? Well, for 1,132 people in Edgerton, that wish is granted every day. The residents know each other. They care for each other. Every grandma is an Aunt Bee, and very best friend is a Barney Fife. The main source of entertainment are the school sporting events. Edgerton boasts two K-12 school systems — one public and one private. Recently, the two have started to share sports, bringing the community even closer together. We cheer on our neighbors. We encourage our cousins. We have hope for our in-laws (as tough as that may be!).

An Edgerton youth softball team ready to storm the diamond. (Credit: Mike Drooger)

Stories About Edgerton

Edgerton residents never fail to rise to the occasion when a crisis arises. There have been many community fundraisers for citizens facing a major health issue. Meals are made, pies are baked, and goods are donated for auction. People assemble in mass to give charitably to the families facing uphill battles due to rising medical expenses.

When local sports teams make it to state tournaments, they’re escorted around town by the fire department. The schools’ organize activities at local nursing homes, and the residents just light up when the kids arrive. Just last week, four girls from junior high who work at one of the nursing homes stopped in just to take photos with the residents.

During our snowy winters, neighbors help out the elderly that shouldn’t be shoveling on their own. Those same neighbors will pick up debris for the elderly when it’s blown down during summer storms, too. Our volunteer Meals on Wheels program ensures the elderly get at least one hot meal each day. Neighbors cook for neighbors with loved ones in the hospital. Three churches have banded together to form a committee that oversees the local food shelf, where people having trouble making ends meet can call for food donations. Our grocery store delivers groceries to the elderly twice a week, at no extra charge.